4.3.4 is now available

This update fixes a few legacy plugins (some of which were crashing), a bug in the Color Picker tool, and some minor installation issues.

NOTE for Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and 32-bit/x86 users: Paint.NET v4.3.x will be the last release(s) that work on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or on any 32-bit/x86 version of Windows. It has become significantly more difficult and time consuming to support these lately, not very many people are using them, and I can no longer justify the cost and frustration of keeping support for these afloat. Starting with Paint.NET v4.4, only Windows 10 and 11+ will be supported, and only on 64-bit (x64 and ARM64). I have started working on v4.4 and will only release v4.3.x updates on an as-needed basis and only until v4.4 is completed.

Get the update

  • Microsoft Store release
  • Classic Desktop release
    • Download the installer directly (web installer for all CPUs and OSes). This is the recommended download if you don’t have Paint.NET installed. It can also be used to update the app.
    • If you already have it installed, you should be offered the update automatically within the next week or so, but you can also get it immediately by going to ⚙ Settings -> Updates -> Check Now.
    • Offline Installers and Portable ZIPs are available over on GitHub.

Changes since v4.3.3:

  • Fixed compatibility with the Spaced Text plugin, which was crashing
  • Fixed a bug with the Color Picker tool, which was sampling from a recently hidden layer when using Image sampling mode
  • Fixed the ability to click URLs in some older plugins (CustomBrushesMini, Shape Maker, Vandermotten Effects, and those based on OptionBasedLibrary)
  • Fixed the incorrect registration of the app in the HKCR\Applications registry key, which was affecting some methods for launching the app
  • Fixed many translations which had updates but that had inadvertently not been incorporated into the app itself
  • Fixed the PROGRAMSGROUP property in the MSI (it was being ignored), which affects custom deployments
  • Fixed the CHECKFORUPDATES property which was missing from the MSI. It still worked, but you had to add it yourself. This only affected MSI-based deployment.


20 thoughts on “ 4.3.4 is now available

  1. Al Nelson says:

    I would really like a curved path text feature and the option of pressure sensitivity.

  2. Daniel Wong says:

    Thank you for all the work you’ve put into this. I’m sure I only use a tiny fraction of what it can do.

  3. William says:

    J’ai bien compris que la MaJ 4.3.4 est la dernière pour Windows 7 . J’espère cependant qu’avec mon W7 je pourrai continuer à me serir de Pain.Net qui est vraiment un logiciel très utile est simple à utiliser.

  4. Paul Cook says:

    Fantastic work as always. PDN is my go-to image editor for work and for hobby projects and I love it. Thanks so much for all your hard work. This is one of the best free software projects I am aware of.

  5. Ethan Whitted says:

    Love your work, thank you for all the effort you’ve put into making this product great! It doesn’t got unnoticed!

    Can’t wait to see multi-layer selection in the future, too!

  6. André says:

    pdn is absolutely amazing and I recommend it to everyone that needs a simple but powerful image editor

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