4.0 alpha (build 5064) is now available

The second alpha build for 4.0 is now available! To download it, please head over to the forum:

Please note that this is an alpha! It is mostly complete but there are bugs, both known and unknown. DO NOT install this if you depend on Paint.NET for your livelihood, for instance, as it might crash at seemingly random times or even corrupt your data (that’s actually very unlikely but, still, use caution). After alpha comes beta, and then final (general availability) or "RTW" (release to web) (also sometimes called RTM).

NOTE: The alpha is not available via the updater in v3.5.11, even if you have “Also check for pre-release (beta) versions” enabled. The beta for 4.0, however, will be made available through that update channel (from v3.5.11, I mean). I’m deliberately doing this in order to keep the audience size smaller for now so that my inbox doesn’t get flooded (I’m also not advertising it on the website just yet). Newer 4.0 alpha builds will, of course, be automatically offered to you once you have any 4.0 alpha installed.

Here is a list of the changes between the previous alpha build (5034) and this one (5064):

  • "Auto-hide taskbar" was not working while was maximized and the foreground application
  • Arrow keys were not working with the Move tools until after you had used the mouse
  • Drawing on an invisible layer was visible while drawing
  • The bracket keys [ and ] were not working to adjust the brush size
  • Save Configuration was not remembering what settings were used for saving
  • The Magic Wand and Paint Bucket tool’s handling of transparent pixels was broken
  • Clicking on taskbar image thumbnails did not work to activate the application if you clicked on the image that was already active within
  • Some translations were crashing (e.g. Russian)
