4.3.6 is now available

This is a hotfix for a crash in the box filter rendering kernel, which is used to generate mip-maps for the canvas when zoomed out.

NOTE for Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and 32-bit/x86 users: Paint.NET v4.3.x will be the last release(s) that work on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or on any 32-bit/x86 version of Windows. It has become significantly more difficult and time consuming to support these lately, not very many people are using them, and I can no longer justify the cost and frustration of keeping support for these afloat. Starting with Paint.NET v4.4, only Windows 10 and 11+ will be supported, and only on 64-bit (x64 and ARM64). I have started working on v4.4 and will only release v4.3.x updates on an as-needed basis and only until v4.4 is completed.

Get the update

  • Microsoft Store release
  • Classic Desktop release
    • Download the installer directly (web installer for all CPUs and OSes). This is the recommended download if you don’t have Paint.NET installed. It can also be used to update the app.
    • If you already have it installed, you should be offered the update automatically within the next week or so, but you can also get it immediately by going to ⚙ Settings -> Updates -> Check Now.
    • Offline Installers and Portable ZIPs are available over on GitHub.

Changes since v4.3.5:

Since this is a hotfix, here’s what was in v4.3.5 compared to v4.3.4:


9 thoughts on “ 4.3.6 is now available

  1. Bobi says:

    The “Invert colors” tool starts an “Initializing” process that takes forever even on very small selection region and eventually Paint.NET freezes and crashes. Also, since few months every new iteration of Paint.NET becomes substantially slower and currently a fresh startup takes up to 20 seconds, whereas it was nearly instant on the older versions until mid 2021.

  2. Bobi says:

    Saving an image also evokes “Initializing” pop-up window that freezes Paint.NET…

  3. Eye says:

    There is a problem I am having with this update (no
    I know if I am the only one), when I want to use the option “File > New” instead of the normal window (with options such as width and height in pixels, etc.), I get a blank window without those options, the only thing What is there is a slider between inches and centimeters, the same happens with the “resize image” menu

  4. RedYoshi says:

    This is the first time I have many bugs!
    I can’t change the size of the pic, because the menu is broken.
    I cant save, infinity loading.
    Now the program broken. 😦

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