4.2.11 beta build 7433

The alpha went quite well — there were just a bug that popped up in the UI code for the updater that seems to be finally squashed for good now.

So, here’s the beta! There are a few more fixes and improvements, most notably a right-click context menu has been added to the image/tab’s thumbnail. You can also open up this menu by pressing Alt and – (minus).

To get this update, make sure you have "Also check for pre-release (beta) versions" enabled in Settings, and then click on the Check Now button. (Unfortunately alpha/beta releases are not currently available for the Microsoft Store version of the app).


Changes since 4.2.11 alpha build 7420:

  • New: Added a right-click context menu to the image thumbnail/tab. It contains commands for Copy Path, Open Containing Folder, Save, Save As, and Close.
  • New: Slovenian (sl) translation
  • New: Added /forceUpdateCheck command-line argument. This is intended for troubleshooting scenarios to simplify acquiring the latest version, e.g. "just run paintdotnet:/forceUpdateCheck" instead of a list of buttons to click on.
  • New: Added /disableNtfsTx to disable the use of NTFS Transactions when saving images, which affords troubleshooting some scenarios that may be problematic.
  • New: The items in the File -> Open Recent menu now have a tooltip with the full file path for the image
  • Fixed: Error dialogs when opening images now consistently show the file path
  • Fixed a crash that would sometimes happen when running effects with very small selections
  • Updated WebPFileType plugin to version (thanks @null54!)


7 thoughts on “ 4.2.11 beta build 7433

  1. Zelanium says:

    Thank you for the improvements to the user interface.

    I have been using for ten years+, virtually every day. I could shower you with praises, but I assume you don’t wish to read an essay in my clumsy English. A big advantage of over similar applications is how easy it is to use, even for beginners. I do, however, think this aspect could be even more improved. In the upper right corner, there is this area with the help/settings/window visibility buttons. I wonder whether you could include an option so that users can set their own shortcuts to custom menu entries. I often use the application for the same tasks, like resizing and/or applying a certain effect. If I had a few buttons for that instead of having to go through the menus then the workflow would be even better, given that the menus become crowded when you install a lot of plug-ins.

    I apologize if this isn’t the place for feature requests, but I did not wish to create a forum account for a single post. I also understand if this is difficult to implement, you’re busy with more important things or simply have no interest. I make this point only to provide user feedback, and I will never nag you because of it. Thank you.

  2. Mike Bramm says:

    The blue area of a selection has been broken:
    1] When you first select an area, the area inside the selection rectangle is blue. If you then scroll the selected area completely off-screen then scroll back to it, you no longer see the selection, not even the handles. If you then press “M, M”, to enter Move Selection mode, the selection handles will appear, but the area inside the rectangle is no longer blue.
    2] If you don’t cause problem #1 to occur during the initial selection and you then enter Move Selection mode, the area inside the rectangle will turn blue, but it will no longer be blue if you scroll away and back to it (similar to problem #1), although in this case the handles will still be visible.
    3] Once the blue has gone away from problem #1 or #2, you cannot get it back, no matter how many times you press “M”.

  3. Illias says:

    can this finally have a fullscreen mode like virtually ever other photo editor or not because it Paint.Net never has

  4. eric says:

    Quite happy with this right-click menu thanks a lot !
    Perhaps an option “close all” to close all the opened files ? (in my case i close and restart it to do this quickly) ?
    I always work with many screen captures, files that won’t be saved !

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