4.2.11 alpha build 7420

This is just a hotfix for 4.2.11 alpha build 7417 that fixes a crash in the built-in updater’s “Check Now” button.

NOTE: This post was originally for build 7419. It has been updated to build 7420 to fix an issue at app shutdown that prevented the process from terminating correctly. Sorry for the confusion.

To get this update if you have installed 7417, just launch or use the app as usual. You’ll be notified of the update within about 24 hours (it only checks at app startup though). Normally I’d say you should follow the instructions below, but the Check Now button is currently broken.

(If you really want to force the check to happen now, first exit the app. Then, delete the registry key at HKCU\SOFTWARE\\ named “Updates/LastCheckTimeUtc”. Then, start the app again.)

To get this update if you have NOT installed 7417, make sure you have “Also check for pre-release (beta) versions” enabled in Settings, and then click on the Check Now button. (Unfortunately alpha/beta releases are not currently available for the Microsoft Store version of the app).


2 thoughts on “ 4.2.11 alpha build 7420

  1. Michael Bramm says:

    Hi Rick,

    The Update functionality no longer crashes. By the way, I installed this update using the normal upgrade path by using the Check Now button and it worked fine. I guess the crash would only occur if there were no additional updates (after displaying the “No updates are currently available” dialog).



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