Paint.NET v3.5.7 is now available

As usual, you can either use the built-in updater from the Utilities menu, or you can download and install directly from the website: There’s no need to worry about removing the old version; that is all handled automatically.

This update improves reliability of saving, further improves Copy/Paste functionality, and fixes some other miscellaneous bugs.

Here’s the list of changes since v3.5.6:

  • Saving an image is now fault-tolerant. If there is an error or crash while saving, the original file will be left alone.
  • Worked around a bug in some plugins that are incorrectly using the built-in Gaussian Blur effect. For example, Sharpen+. Now they won’t crash.
  • Fixed a bug with Edit->Paste into New Image, where the new image would be 1 pixel too wide or tall, as reported at
  • Fixed a bug with the Rectangle Select tool and Fixed Ratio selection, which would be off by 1 pixel, as reported at
  • When pasting an image from Paint.NET into Paint.NET, it will be a little smarter about where it puts the image. Previously, if the location wasn’t within the viewport, it would be placed at the top-left corner of the viewport. Now it will find the nearest point along the edge of the viewport to place the image.
  • The EXIF rotation ("orientation") metadata is now discarded when opening an image, which was causing aggravation with images that could then never be reoriented correctly using Image->Rotate
  • The EXIF tags for JPEG thumbnail data are now correctly discarded.
  • Fixed a handful of memory leaks.
  • Fixed a typo in the Italian translation. In the setup wizard it was referring to "Pain.NET" (woops)


12 thoughts on “Paint.NET v3.5.7 is now available

  1. Jeff says:


    I am looking forward to Paint.NET 4.x, but I certainly appreciate you back-porting some items here and there back to the 3.5.x codebase as well as bringing other fixes and improvements for all of us 3.5.x users.

    Thanks a bunch!

  2. Chris says:

    I was just thinking, if you adopted a form of the ‘Android’ version naming policy and named your releases after desserts/confection, then surely v3.5.7 would be known as ‘Magnum’.

    Anyhow, new releases are always appreciated. Paint.NET remains in the top 3 of my most utilised software. My son recently installed it on his netbook in order to make custom icons for his phone – he had mastered layers and transparency in about 5 minutes; testament to how straightforward and intuitive the software is. Now it’s one of his most used programs.

    On both his and my behalf, thank you.

  3.   says:

    Pain.NET sounds like a wonderful program, though! D:
    Just kidding, of course. Thanks for the update and I am glad that you are getting ever closer to 4.X.

  4. John Christian says: is a great tool, thank you for releasing updates. There is one thing I have been missing a long time though is that when you expand the canvas of the image I really want the new area to be transparent and not filled with the currently selected colour.

    • Chris says:

      Before you change the size of the canvas (expand) change the secondary colour to transparent, as when changing the canvas size PDN uses the secondary colour to fill the newly created space.
      To set the secondary colour to transparent you need to expand the colours window (bottom left), click the button that says ‘Primary’ and change it to ‘Secondary’, then change the Transparency-Alpha value from 255 to 0 (or drag the slider).
      Hope this helps.

      • John Christian says:

        Hi Chris, and thanks for the tip. I was aware of that “trick”, but it would be nice with an “expand canvas with transparency” option in the dialog to avoid this step. Normally i have a solid colour on the secondary since in pencil mode you can paint with this by right clicking.

        Btw a nice feature would also be that in pencil mode if you right click when your colour is transparent it should delete the pixel you click. This would make Paint.Net a good pixelling tool as well since you wouldnt have to swap between pencil and erasor all the time.

        Also while I am at it, Paint.Net seems to forget the last used erasor size and aliasing selection – always defaulting to width 2 and with aliasing, which is not that useful when doing pixelling. (I find myself always setting these to 1 and no aliasing).

        A final good feature is to have an UI option that docks all the floating windows on either the left or right hand side. I always keep moving them about while drawing. A trick though that I use (when I rememeber it) is to make the Paint.Net window smaller and move the tools outside the window to avoid this problem. Still, a “docked tools” option would be nice! 🙂

        Other than that, brilliant tool!

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