4.3 alpha (build 7904)

This update fixes a few crashes and greatly improves compatibility with legacy plugins. This compatibility is being accomplished by hot-patching the code (IL) in the DLLs, and it can be CPU and disk intensive the first time the app is launched after updating. After that, the hot-patched DLLs are cached and will load much faster (until the first launch of the next app update).

There is still ongoing work to make sure as many legacy plugins as possible can be made to work. See this thread for more details:

Get the update

To get this update, make sure you have "Also check for pre-release (beta) versions" enabled in Settings, and then click on the Check Now button. (Unfortunately alpha/beta releases are not currently available for the Microsoft Store version of the app).


For direct download links, please visit the forum.

Changes since 4.3 alpha build 7894.40357:

  • Fixed a crash when using Image sampling mode with the Magic Wand or Paint Bucket tool
  • Fixed a rendering bug in the Gradient Tool when using Transparency Mode
  • Fixed compatibility with many old plugins, including: Shape3D, Planetoid, ClusterClearEffect, Shape Maker, Scribble, LensFlare, GraphPaper, BrushFactory (v2.0.2 and earlier), BrushFilter, CircularText, ColorHarmonies, ColorMatrix, Ed Harvey’s Classic Dents, EditableText, CustomBrushesMini, SimonBrown’s plugin pack, and any effect plugin using OptionBasedLibrary v0.7.9 or earlier.
    • If you have these plugins installed, startup performance after updating the app will be slower as the old plugins are patched and placed into a cache. Subsequent app launches will be faster.