5.0 alpha (build 8361) is now available!

The first preview build of Paint.NET 5.0 is now available!

There’s a huge write-up with a ton of information, screenshots, and download links over on the forum. It was too much to convert into a blog post, so just head over there Smile

4 thoughts on “ 5.0 alpha (build 8361) is now available!

  1. Numen76 says:

    While I can only congratulate you for such a major effort, there’s something that continues to bother me. I see you have made fundamental changes to the plugin system.

    Could you change the way plugins are organized to allow users to simply put dlls into their own subfolders? Like there are actual subfolders in the Effects folder on your disk, and the hierarchy in PDN reflects that?

    I have recommended PDN to a great number of people over the years, and they love it because of its ease-of-use and the many plugins, but a frequent complaint is that you forget where a certain effect is located. That’s especially true if you don’t use English, because people have duplicate folders (like English and Spanish names). I feel that improvements to the plugin organization, or any kind of quick search, would speed the workflow significantly more up than any further performance improvements (it’s already really fast). Personally, I do often use the JPEG noise removal plugin, and frequently forget whether it’s in Photo, Blur or Noise.

    I only say this to forward the feedback I received. It is not my place to second-guess your work.

  2. Rafał Kowalski says:

    Maybe better to show plugin path when you hover and hold mouse pointer over effect?

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